SAFE HAVEN weaves together the powerful stories of U.S. war resisters who sought safe haven in Canada during both the Vietnam and Iraq wars. The film explores the intersection of these two groups of men and women during the Iraq war as many Vietnam era resisters participated in a movement to support the younger generation. SAFE HAVEN shows the reality and the myth of Canada as a welcoming country to those seeking protection. It delves into the decision making of people deciding to leave home and escape military service. People who found safe haven, and those who were forced home discuss their lives on both sides of the border.
Release Year: 2020
Runtime: 78 minutes
Director(s): Lisa Molomot
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Featured GUEST Interviewee
Alison Mountz is the producer of Safe Haven. She is a geographer and Canada Research Chair in Global Migration at Wilfrid Laurier University. She first moved to Canada from the United States in 1998, and has spent much of her adult life crossing and researching the border between the two countries. She explores how people migrate across borders, access migration and asylum policies, survive detention, resist war, and create safe havens. Alison’s monographs include Seeking Asylum: Human Smuggling and Bureaucracy at the Border (University of Minnesota); Boats, Borders, and Bases: Race, the Cold War, and the Rise of Migration Detention in the United States (California, with Jenna Loyd); and The death of asylum: hidden geographies of the enforcement archipelago (Minnesota). Mountz directs Laurier's International Migration Research Centre and edits the journal Politics & Space.